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Guardian Brexit Shorts

Giving Voice to a Divided Britain through New Dramas

WEB I Thought Wed Be Less Angry But Were Not

In Winchester, Eleanor Wonders Why Voting Leave...

In the wake of the UK's vote to leave the European Union, a wave of new dramas has emerged, seeking to give voice to a divided nation. These dramas explore the complexities of the Brexit debate, shedding light on the motivations and emotions of those who voted to leave and remain.

One such drama is "Winchester," which follows Eleanor, a young woman who voted to leave the EU. Eleanor is struggling to understand why she voted the way she did, and she sets out on a journey to meet with other people who voted leave in different parts of the country.

As Eleanor travels, she meets a variety of people, from a farmer in rural Scotland to a factory worker in Northern England. She hears their stories and learns about their concerns, which range from immigration to the economy to a sense of lost national identity.

Through these encounters, Eleanor begins to understand the complex reasons why people voted to leave the EU. She also sees how the Brexit vote has divided families and communities, and she witnesses the anger and frustration that is felt on both sides of the debate.

"Winchester" is just one of many new dramas that are exploring the impact of Brexit on British society. These dramas are helping to give voice to the different perspectives on Brexit, and they are providing a valuable platform for discussing the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

The Guardian

The Guardian
