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Anthony Edwards Top Gun Volleyball


Top Gun's Iconic Volleyball Scene: Behind the Scenes

Kilmer vs. Rossovich: The Battle of the Bods

Maverick, Goose, Iceman, and Slider's Beach Showdown

The famous scene in Top Gun where Maverick (Tom Cruise) and Goose (Anthony Edwards) play volleyball against their ultimate adversary, Iceman (Val Kilmer), has reached iconic status through the decades. For just under two incredible minutes, Cruise's Maverick, Edward's Goose, Kilmer's Iceman, and Rick Rossovich's Slider engage in an unforgettable battle on the beach.

However, according to Rossovich, the rivalry between Iceman and Slider went beyond the silver screen. Rossovich recently revealed that he and Kilmer engaged in a friendly but intense competition off-camera, each determined to outdo the other in the battle of the bods.

